Exploring Our Faith

photo (6)A huge part of my journey is the evolution of my faith.  I would not be authentic if I did not share and discuss this part of my life.  I also understand there are many people out there struggling with their faith.

Many have been alienated by the church, either by doctrine or by the actions of church leaders.  Many people feel very far from God because of the difficulty of their circumstances.  Still others struggle with believing in the unseen.  They live so much in their logical minds that the concept of a friendship with a deity seems silly.    I have been all of these at one point in my life.

Exploring our Faith is a place where ALL people can come and endeavor to discover their path.  It is a place void of judgment.  We only share our path with God as we know him/her.  I hope you find inspiration, comfort and joy in this exchange.  Where spirit dwells there is no fear, anxiety or sorrow for He turns all things around for the good of those who love Him.  This is the source of my joy.  I look forward to sharing and learning from one another.

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